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Beginning to Read the Church Fathers

 Category: Church Fathers, Forgotten Lighthouse Publications  Publisher: Forgotten Lighthouse  ISBN: 978-1-7342262-0-1  Buy Now

Beginning to Read the Church Fathers offers a first step into reading the actual writings of the Church Fathers.  This volume is unique in that it is designed specifically for homeschooling families, schools, families, and church communities based on years of experience teaching the Church Fathers to youth, young adults, and adults.  Each of the ten primary reading selections open with five key questions to help guide the reader through the text.  At the end of each selection, explanations are provided to the questions, bringing insights and connections to the reader in relationship to the text.  These texts have been carefully selected in terms of their accessibility to the reader and cover a wide range of topics in the writings of the Church Fathers including prayer, fasting, worship, friendship, marriage, and wealth and poverty.  This volume is ideal for those hoping to deepen their study of history and the Christian faith.

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