Machine Education vs. Christian Paideia: Two Visions of Education

This Course Seminar is available upon request for groups of 7-12 Attendees. The seminar is taught by Dr. Mark Tarpley and is taught in four 1.5 hr. live-online sessions. Please email us at for additional information.

Overview: Christian educators, for too long, have compromised with modern, progressive education or what we call Machine education.Some of these compromises are obvious and some are not so obvious, having become deeply embedded in the practice of Christian educators in America. The result is nothing less than the formation of our children to become Machine-like rather than Christ-like. This seminar will model both a traditional pedagogical approach to Christian paideia and, at the same time, cultivate an understanding of just how deep the divide is between Machine education and Christian paideia. We hope you will join us in addressing perhaps the most ignored, yet most important issue among Christian educators today.